
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Post Birthday Post

I had a special birthday, yesterday. But I was scheduled to work. So was my husband. There should be a law passed that you do not have to work on your birthday.

However, because I worked, and my husband could "get away" for about an hour, he was able to go to town and get me stuff for a birthday surprise. So, I couldn't wait to see what he bought me.

Dennis greeted me at 2:20 at the door, helped bring in my things and got into the air conditioning. There on the dining room table was a large bag with "Happy Birthday" all over it, and stuffed with lots of turquoise paper. Off to one side was an African violet--it was orchid with white centers. The card I read first and it was pretty good. Almost like he had the person who makes card write out exactly what I needed to hear and what was true about me and turning sixty.

Then, I went into the bag. Well, inside a large latte cup (not unlike the one above) were two bags of special coffees. One was French vanilla/decaf, and the other was chocolate macadamia, a Godiva chocolate bar and to the side of this large cup was a gift box with a large gourmet mocha espresso cupcake! OH! The frosting was to die for! I want one for every day I get off the bus and come home! Anyway, I ate it with a glass of milk right away because I was hungry.

While I ate the cupcake, he told me how he went to town with the old park truck--not knowing if he'd get it back or not! He went blow-by-blow how he went to the bakery and selected this cupcake from the special window and they put it into the fancy box for him (he had wondered how the heck he was going to get it home and put it into the bag--hahah!) Then he had to find the coffees and the chocolate and a cup. Then he went to the florest and picked out the violet. And of course the paper and bag and card.

I do not question that I married the right guy. I did. He pampered me all day, not letting me do dishes, or put anything away after we ate our easy deli chicken and coleslaw. He did it all!

I'm drinking a cup of one of my coffees right now. Need to get some whipping cream, however. What luck! It's actually on my diet! The cupcake was not, but I get to be naughty at least once a year!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Vampire Fans Wanted, Dead or Alive

Ha. Ha. Joke. Get it?

I have been working all summer on the 8th book. I have had this further section written, it seems like forever. A few months ago, probably. I finally got the in between and middle sections written, just today. I've got over 260 pages done in this. I'm not the type who puts some sort of word count per day on myself. If it feels right, I write. If not, I won't force it. All summer I've had things to do, other things to occupy my time, like gardening, and crocheting. I was feeling somewhat burned out back in the spring and just needed to chill on the writing. This was a good plan of action. Each day I did write, I got a little further along. It adds up.

Yep. I've got a birthday coming up (August 27th). I've always hated the date my birthday came on. It was always after school started. In this case, I begin work again, next week--NIU starts back up and I'm driving the big bus again. And Wednesday I'll be on it for 7 hours. Bummer.

But I've been celebrating it all month long by having my first two ebooks of the Sabrina Strong series at 99 cents each.

Vampire Ascending
Vampire's Trill

I won't be doing this again. I only turn (60) once in a life time.