
Saturday, March 18, 2017

Out With the Old, In with the New

... and other stuff.

Hey, gals and guys, today is Saturday, and I haven't written in here for a while. A few things just kept me away. One was sales, and such on certain books, so I always go to Muse for blogs about those. I had some nice reviews, too. I'm waiting on the first one for "Party to a Murder", but it'll come. I just hope it won't be harsh (like a 3-star or worse!)

I've been busy this week, since I was on "spring break" from my work, and I needed to not only concentrate on my writing of the second book in the Lainey Q. books, but also, here I am heavy again! I'm so sick of diets that get you there, but you tire of the food quickly and really, I know that I've got flab even when I do loose ten or twenty pounds. Like most women I have it on my gut. It never goes away. What is the solution? I needed to find something. I was just listening to some wonderful music on UTube one day, and before it began they put on one of their commercials. Now, normally, I skip them--hit that skip button--and continue listening or watching a show. This time it caught me my surprise. This young lady with an amazing body was willing to share her secrets with anyone, and give away a video as well. Her name is Danette May. I went and watched her video, and did the exercises and did some others I found. Oh my god! I was sore for 3 days--still am, but I did them again, today, and found a few other moves for different part of the body--glutes, and arms. Anyway, here is the link, if you're interested. I highly recommend her, she's very energetic, and her exercises look easy, but once you do them you see that these work the muscles!

Now, keep in mind I'm 62, going to turn 63 at end of summer. If I can do these, and I don't say I do them as well as her, or as many counts on everything, so can you. I'm in good health, but I'm so out of shape it's just horrifying to me. I used to be thin. I don't like feeling the way I do, and I don't like looking the way I do. I've been looking to add something to my program, something also to get me psyched up, and this little gal has everything from what to eat to exercises that don't have you do crunches like a man, but these easy movements that you WILL feel in the areas you work.

There's also things to eat that help you lose weight, and lately, if you've seen it on Dr. Oz, or just somewhere in a magazine, they say eating certain fats can help you slim down too. Danette called them "Fats to burn belly fat" in this video. Non-fat is no longer good for you. They usually add more sodium and a few other things that are not good for you.

Here they are:
1). Coconut oil -2-4 teaspoons a day (you can supplement it for olive oil in cooking)
2). Raw & unsalted nuts--I prefer walnuts because of their many benefits.
3). Avocados (which have good fats in them, like "good" monounsaturated fat. If used in place of other fats, it can help against hypertension.

I've been buying avocados lately, and want to use them more, because of the benefits. I slice them into salads.I'd like to try making my own ranch dressing out of them. Because of the mild flavor, you barely notice them in a salad. You don't even have to have tacos to enjoy them!

Well, I'm going to go into my summer feeling better, and hopefully looking better. I've got 8 weeks to get tighter abs and everywhere else I'll be working on. I'm determined to keep this up. I've tried yoga but it wasn't getting it done for me. I needed something more aggressive and I think I've found it.

Well, I've got a lot to write this weekend, and hope to get further toward the climax of "Invitation to Kill", and I need to do other things as well, like go to the grocery store. We're lucky that a HyVee is one of our stores we go to, and they have a dietitian who is very friendly, and we talk to her all the time. I've found out what to take for fiber, and also probiotics. I've talked Dennis into taking probiotics, because he has so much trouble with his gut (angry gut), and we're at the point we no longer think it's the gluten thing any more. I've discovered a drink as well, called Kefir,(the video here explains why it's better than yogurt), which is touted as having the best source of probiotics. I asked Lisa (nutritionist), and she showed me the bottles in their health food department, and even opened one so I could try it. At first it's really somewhat sour, because it's fermented. But once I got past that flavor, the strawberry in it came through. I was able to drink it while we shopped thanks to Lisa.

Well, I think I've covered too much here. Even if you check out just one thing, please do, I think you may benefit from something I've covered today.

Have a good weekend!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

It Was Worth It!

Let's see. I've been writing my fantasies now for 4 decades. I began writing in high school. Told by my English teacher (who taught creative writing class), that my grammar and spelling sucked (not her words exactly). Nothing about whether or not I had talent, nor did she give me encouragement. She told me that I should find other employment when I told her I wanted to become an author.


grumpy cat, Will Smith / Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, I ain't even mad. I am.:

I wanted to kill her in terrible ways. 
In the library. 
With an ax.
artnet Galleries: Perfect Balance by Kelly Reemtsen from Adler & Co. Gallery:

In my head, of course. Possibly on paper.

And I've decided to murder a terrible teacher in a future book.

Funny Cat:

Not this next murder mystery, but the third one after I finish WIP. In this current one, Invitation to Kill, a teacher is murdered. His wife is also murdered. And another innocent is also killed. We've got a serial killer on the lose in a college. You won't believe who it is!

My first murder mystery is now out. Party to a Murder, about a seventeen year old young adult who discovers she has a penchant for poking into murders and solving them when she begins to look into the murder of a girl she went to school with. She is murdered with a knife. Much like the picture on the cover.

Lainey Quilholt has to wonder why people--especially the girls--hated Arline so much. And why was her ex-boyfriend continuously asking her out for a date when they were an item all during high school, and rumor had it they were going to get married.

It all begins when Arline and AJ (boyfriend) went to a cabin up north for a few days with her best friend and her boyfriend. On the last day Arline's girlfriend died from accidental drowning. After that, nothing was the same. Her car was totaled in an accident on the way home. She is later seen in a brand new car and shopping in the mall and in the small town where they lived. What could that be all about? Where did she get the money?

Just a few of the questions that Lainey asks, especially after the big fight between Arline and her ex one night at a party in the local woods--which neither one of them were asked to join.

After the two split, no one ever saw Arline again, until the next morning. Her body is discovered by joggers along a trail in the woods.

Who brutally murdered Arline Rochell and why?

Lainey begins puzzling these questions out, and how fortunate for her, her aunt is dating the local sheriff, Weeks, and he is willing to share a few things about the murder, and even allows her to take a look at Arline's apartment where someone has ransacked it, looking for something. They didn't find what they were looking for. But Lainey sure does. Incriminating pictures, which she takes to Weeks.

Other clues she follows include the graduation necklace that was found clutched in Arline's hand in her death grip. Other clues pull both her and Weeks along in the investigation, until Lainey suggests a re-enactment, which at first the sheriff doesn't go for, but then, the one missing thing--Arline's cell phone--becomes central in finding the murderer.

What'd ya think? Sounds interesting, doesn't it?

Yep. I've got this and other books available. So glad I never listened to my English teacher in high school. You were soooo wrong!

So here's to Mrs. Penson, who is long dead now, you were wrong.

I've got plenty of books yet to write and I plan on writing until for whatever reason, I can't write. You see, Mrs. Penson. Writing became a passion. My only real passion in life where I can't not do this. I worked at my spelling, the grammar is better, and your advice, I'm happy to say, I never took it. Someone tells me I can't do something, by god, I'll prove to them I can. Unless it's something physically challenging, and forget jumping out of planes, or skiing down a hill. 

Writing the mystery has always been one challenge I'd wanted to try and master. Have I mastered it? I don't know. You tell me. If you buy the ebook, I'd like to see what you think, so go ahead and make a review on Amazon, if you would please.

I thank you.
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